- She is very good about saying "please" and "thank you" and will even say, "bless you!" whether you sneezed, coughed, or farted. Actually with farting it's a toss up. You'll either get "excuse me" or "bless you". Heath and I are both on the same page-we WILL raise a polite and respectful child. I think she's already leaps and bounds ahead of some people I meet on the average day.
- Her eating is so-so, depending on the day. She absolutely loves Indian food (saag and tikka masala) and Annie's Organic macaroni and cheese but I cannot get the child to eat a quesadilla...I thought all kids liked those. She really like blueberries and if you let her she'd eat the entire pint which leads to blueberry shits. Yum. She's gone from a yogurt phase, where she'd beg for yogurt about every 20 minutes, to a pretzel phase.
- She's generally very sweet. My favorite is when she'll come up to me and say, "hold you?" which means she wants me to hold her. That gets me every time. She gives lots of hugs and kisses and I'll take them, every one, including the snotty and cracker-laced ones.
- She can be a little brat too, of course. Sometimes she's very hitty, especially if she is tired. Hitting gets a time out in the corner where she sits and hits the wall for the first 30 seconds while saying/grunting a rebellious, "Ungh!" I think it's basically her toddler way of saying, "SCREW YOU!" About halfway through the time out she'll turn around and say, "I sorry". It doesn't get her out of timeout though. During timeout you can also here her say, "Be nice!", directed towards Heath or I.
- She doesn't watch much television but she likes Curious George and we'll watch an episode every once in a while on Netflix. While I watch it with her I wonder things like How can the Man in the Yellow Hat can afford to pay for all the damage that George causes? Why was a monkey let into a hospital let alone how did he get away with impersonating a doctor? You really trust a monkey to go watch your dog while you get your hair done? By the way, did you know that the MITYH's name is Ted Shackleford?
- She loves shoes and owns way more pairs that she really needs. If we go into a store and she sees the shoes she freaks out and starts yelling, "Shoes!!" very loudly. If you'd let her she'd try on one pair, remove them immediately, and then move on to the next. She'd be like a shoe locust, leaving unboxed shoes and tissue paper in her wake.
- This girl cannot sit still. Like never, ever, ever. (We-eee!) At work we had this inflatable ball thing, looked kind of like a human version of a hamster wheel. I was very tempted to buy it for Ruby, stick her inside of it and just let her wear herself out. I don't think she'd cause too much damage in the house. Is there such things as baby treadmills? I try to keep her occupied as best I can but I'll be happy when it's warmer outside and I can take her to the park more often.
- Her sleeping habits are awesome 11-12 hours a night, no problem. It's rare that she wakes up in the middle of the night or before 7:30am. For this I am grateful beyond words.
- I seriously think that she's using Fuck in it's proper context. This morning she was trying to get her mitten on but she couldn't and I kept hearing her say what sounded like, "Fuck!" I've heard her say it several other times as well as "Dammit". I don't say anything to her about it though, not yet. I'm sure, no, I KNOW she gets it from me but I could swear that I've actually been really good about cursing around her.
- She likes to boss the kitties around. I'll often hear her say, "No Oll-ie!" or "Get-down-Oll-ie!", especially when Oliver has decided to take up residence on her changing table. She's doing better about petting them and she will even try to hug them or pick them up. Oliver is still by far the most tolerant of the cats. He's only scratched her a handful of times which blows my mind.