At daycare they had a little party in her class. I had questioned whether or not it was really necessary to bring v-day cards for 3yo's* but apparently it's legit. I had some free time that day so I went to daycare to hang out with her at the party. There was one other parent there and we ended up passing out treats and divvying up v-day cards into bags for the kids while the teacher tended to a little girl who was screaming her head off. Afterwards Ruby asked to go home with me so I brought her home. Twenty minutes later she asked to go back to daycare. Twenty minutes after that the sugar kicked in and I was wishing I could take her back!
How did you celebrate V-day? If at all!
*you know how many shits those kids gave about the cards? Approximately zero. I tried showing them to Ruby the next day but all she cared about was the Spongebob gummy crabby patties. (gross)