Back in the day my aunt Mary received a little Japanese robe from a pen pal. Here's a picture of me in it when I was probably about two years old: The robe came back into my possession after Ruby was born and I've been waiting for the day when she fit into it. Obviously I may have waited a little too long in the length department! I meant to take pictures of her in it in the spring. Didn't happen. I meant to take pictures of her in it during the summer but then I was pregnant in the summer and that meant it felt about a hundred degree outside at all times. I finally got around to taking photos of her in it a couple of weekends ago. Because we are fortunate enough to have such a cool place nearby we went to the Yuko-En Friendship Garden in Georgetown. At first she was not too thrilled with the idea but she eventually warmed up to it. After I bribed her with a granola bar.
Gees. It's been over a month since my last post. I didn't mean for that to happen. It just did, despite the fact that I've been composing posts in my head on and off. Things have been busy. Mostly with baby wrangling, which with Jasper basically means feeding (every two hours), changing (practically every hour), sleeping, and repeat. We pulled Ruby from her daycare (because the newborn fees were cost prohibitive to my goal of returning to work) and she's been home with me for the past two weeks. It's been the most time I've spent with her since she was a newborn and honestly, I was kind of dreading it. Thankfully, it hasn't been nearly as bad as I thought it would be but the experience has driven home the fact that I am not meant to be a stay at home mom. It's just not in my DNA. Seriously, mad props stay-at-home ladies (and gents). We've done a myriad of things over the last month or so. Since Ruby's home I have to make more of a point to get her out of the house and doing something. Otherwise there are idle hands and they most certainly make mischief. There was a trip to the library for Little Leonardos: There was our trip to the Crave festival which lead to an attempt to re-create the best cookie ever. Chocolate chip bacon with maple cream in the middle. It was a tasty, tasty fail: Then there was that time I spent re-fashioning this dress-a favorite of what had been Ruby's-into a polo shirt for Jasper. It took more than a week to get it done simply because I didn't get the chance to do it all in one chunk. But hey, it got done...and then I forgot about it in the closet and by the time I tried it on my chunky little guy it was basically a belly shirt. Whatever. It's still cute and if I ever come across the dress again I'll try again. There have been those times when Jasper does what I call a Sonic Spit-up where he somehow spits up and gets it everywhere. Not limited to his face or my cleavage: And then he wore this onesie and I was almost all like, "I can't even." because it is so dang cute. Sad face that it's a three month onesie, this was only the second time he'd worn it, and it was pretty much too small already! We've done other things that are worthy of their own post, a.k.a. I took a lot of cute pictures, so hopefully I'll get those documented on here soon. And I know I still need to get the second part of Jasper's birth story up too! Blarg!
January 2016