2. I was offered a promotion but after a lot of thought I decided to turn it down. The raise would have been really nice, especially with the cost of two kids in daycare, but something just wasn't right and I decided against it. Instead I'll still be working on the price accuracy team but I'll also be working in a merchandising position. I'll also be full time rather than part time because, you know, daycare.
3. Speaking of, the kids are doing well in daycare. Since we've returned to our former daycare Ruby has been reunited with her BFF/daycare boyfriend, Jessie and there has been basically no readjustment. Jasper has quickly become a star in the baby room, charming everyone with his cuteness and happy dispostion. Perhaps the best part of daycare is that we can put them in on Saturdays and go out and do things like drink alcohol, eat dinner, and shop with the greatest of ease.
4. In recent years, every time I've had an extended time off of work or taken a vacation I get sick soon after returning and have to call in (which I HATE doing). The tradition continued last Monday when I came down with some crazy stomach thing. I woke up super dizzy and feeling so crappy that I almost asked Heath to take me to the hospital. After a lot of vomiting I peeled myself off of the bathroom floor and returned to bed. The dizziness was gone by morning but I was beyond exhausted. I called into work and then slept most of the day, only getting up to pump and eat some ramen.
5. Since returning to work things have been pretty much bat shit insane. How the hell do people have time to get crap done??? I feel like I am constantly running around like a chicken with their head cut off to get even the most basic of things done. Evenings are spent trying to cook dinner (and failing), getting bottles ready for the next day, baths, laundry, pumping, etc. etc. And don't even get me started on the state of cleanliness of the house. Ugh.
6. I get off of work just before 5:00pm and usually don't stop moving until at least 8:30 when I crash on the couch. Heath and I watch a couple episodes of something on the DVR, then I start willing Jasper to go to sleep and to sleep through the night, which has occurred two glorious times.
7. I'm sure what seems like total chaos...Oh, wait. It IS total chaos! Anyway, I am sure that what seems like total chaos right now will become our new normal but right now it is all a little overwhelming. I wonder how I'll possibly have time to do the daily required things let alone things that I want to do. Strangely, my desire to create has greatly increased over the past few months but I've had little time to do much of anything besides make Ruby's halloween costume. Heck, this blog post has taken well over a week to write!