I took this photo of Ruby playing on the playground a couple of Saturdays ago:
I realize that in the grand scheme of winters, Kentucky winters are pretty wussy. I know my Canadian and Minnesota friends would kill for what we deal with! But still, I am over winter. This year has definitely been the longest, most winter-like winter that I've experienced since moving here. I've shoveled several times (one of only a few people in the neighborhood that even bother) and the bag of ice melt that's been sitting, virtually untouched for four years, is almost gone. They've canceled school ten times which has pushed the last day of school into June. I'm going to be so irritated when Ruby enters the school system...But for now I'm grateful that Ruby is in daycare because of course, it would have to be the Apocalypse before any retailers close. The main roads are clean but most side streets are still a lovely lasagna of ice, snow, ice, snow, ice, snow (thanks for the analogy, Rachel!) And let's not talk about how high my electric bill was...Gees!
It's not all bad though, really. I get to tap into my Minnesota roots, shoveling snow Like a Boss, demonstrating my stellar winter driving skillz, with windows completely scraped off, thank you. None of this half-ass crap that I see around me on the roads. Also, our lives have been full of delicious chili (which Ruby won't eat) and the Keurig has been hard at work making lots of dark roasts (for Heath) and lot of cappuccino (for me and very occasionally, Ruby), keeping us warm. Plus with no beautiful weather making me feel guilty about staying inside I have a perfectly good excuse to catch up on Breaking Bad.
Ruby doesn't seem phased by the weather whatsoever. I took her outside to play a few days ago and she was all like, "Hell yeah!" and ran around like a nut making snow angels, eating snow, and trying to find icicles to nom on. Obviously we don't have the most ideal of snow gear for her but she seemed to do fine with multiple layers and the occasional changing of wet mittens.