Back in the day my aunt Mary received a little Japanese robe from a pen pal. Here's a picture of me in it when I was probably about two years old: The robe came back into my possession after Ruby was born and I've been waiting for the day when she fit into it. Obviously I may have waited a little too long in the length department! I meant to take pictures of her in it in the spring. Didn't happen. I meant to take pictures of her in it during the summer but then I was pregnant in the summer and that meant it felt about a hundred degree outside at all times. I finally got around to taking photos of her in it a couple of weekends ago. Because we are fortunate enough to have such a cool place nearby we went to the Yuko-En Friendship Garden in Georgetown. At first she was not too thrilled with the idea but she eventually warmed up to it. After I bribed her with a granola bar.
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January 2016