Soon after he got checked in he texted me and told me that they suspected that it was his gallbladder. As soon as I read his message I was like, "DUH!" I went through that same exact pain myself (on and off for over a year) before I had my gallbladder out. I totally should have seen what was going on. After a cat scan the doctors determined that he did have several small stones, including one or two that we blocking the duct. They recommended that he stay to get them removed and he was admitted to the hospital around 5am.
I called into work (again, ugh), dropped Ruby off at daycare, and went to the hospital. Heath was sleeping when I got there so I let him rest until the surgeon came to speak with him. Then they wheeled him down to prep him and I was able to sit with him again until they took him back. Then it was a lot of waiting-waiting to go into surgery, waiting for the surgery to start, waiting to talk to the surgeon afterwards, and waiting for them to bring him back up to his room. Thankfully the surgery went well. Apparently he had one pissed off gallbladder and we nipped what could have been a very bad problem in the bud before it got worse.
Compared to what I remember about my recovery from my surgery Heath is being a friggin' rock star. I don't remember even being coherent for at least a day but by the time they brought him up from recovery he was fully awake and functioning normally. He ate all of his "clears", jello, popsicles, cranberry juice, and broth-the first thing he'd had to eat in over 24 hours-and thankfully he hasn't had any issues with the gas they pumped into his body cavity.
Heath is now home resting and will be off of work for the next week. I am hoping that this is the last of our health woes for a while. One, two, or all of us has been sick at practically all times for the last month and it is beyond old at this point.