This weekend was the Lexington Comic and Toy convention so me and the fam decided to check it out. Before you even enter to convention hall they had Ecto 1 there. I'm a HUGE Ghostubusters fan so I was pretty excited. Of course I had to get our picture taken with Vigo. Ruby couldn't have cared less about Vigo, Ecto 1, or any of the Ghostbusters hanging out. Once she sees the movie though...then she will. I only wish she could know the awesomeness that was Ecto Cooler.
Inside the Con was busy. We had Ruby and her stroller which was really only handy for holding stuff while we walked around. Ruby either wanted to walk or to be held by mostly me. She was very interested in the costumes and especially loved this impressive cardboard Zord costume. He tried to get her to hold a fist bump for the photo but she didn't quite get the concept.
The last thing we did before leaving was wait in line to get the Green Rangers (Jason David Frank) autograph for my brother who wasn't able to make it to the Con. Actually, I didn't have to wait in line so much as I just had to wait for him to get back from the restroom. I was grateful for the short wait, he was obviously the most popular Ranger at the Con (there were several there) and the line was crazy long when we went by earlier.
It was about the this that Ruby was just DONE. The only way I was able to keep her calm was by shoving cookies at her. Stellar parenting, I know, but it's all I had. (at the time Heath was making an ATM run to grab cash to pay for the autograph so I didn't have anyone else to help distract her). I am sure Jason was quite thankful that I didn't get the picture of him with Ruby, covered in cookie crumbs, that I had originally hoped to get, (my bro would've loved that), so he just signed the photo, we strapped Ruby into her stroller and left.