I hope you had a nice relaxing 4th. I had to work (yay for time and a half!) but we celebrated the 4th on the 3rd at a friend's house with lots of grilled meat and other goodies. Ruby and her friends (10 girls, 1 boy, ranging in age from 1-5...damn, we reproduce a lot!) ran around catching lightning bugs. At first she didn't know what the heck was going on but when she realized that they were bugs she was like heck yeah! Amazingly she did not smoosh a single one! This 4th marked Ruby's first sparklers and her first fireworks. As soon as one sparkler burnt out she was asking for another. She was very mesmerized by them. During the *cough* illegal fireworks she plugged her ears and asked repeatedly to hold me (daddy wasn't good enough, apparently) but when they were all done she asked for more. She was up past her bedtime but is usually pretty good as long as she is distracted. Before we left I changed her and put on her pajamas, that way, when we got home we could throw her right into bed. At home she went right down and I followed shortly after. How did you celebrate the 4th this year?
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January 2016