Ruby Now
- She still loves to sing except she's gotten LOUDER while doing it. No matter where she is, the car seat, wandering around Target, she'll sing at the top of her lungs. (usually something nonsensical-the other day she was singing about poopy) At one point I was trying to get her to sing a little more quietly while shopping one day and someone walking by said, "No, don't! I think it's adorable!" I'm not sure anyone else felt the same way but I thought that was sweet.
- The other day Ruby was playing in the backyard and found a plastic container full of rain water. I let her play in it for a while before I walked over and noticed that there was a DEAD BIRD floating in it. NASTY! I'm all about germ exposure and what not but that was a little much for me. I promptly took her inside and washed her hands. Gross.
- She has this thing for bugs. We had a little ant infestation starting a few months ago and she became obsessed with them. At first she'd squish them, yelling loudly, "I step on da bug!", and then after I got her to stop doing that she started to pick them up. This ended one of three way: She'd squish the bug dead, she'd mangle the poor thing (I've learned that ants are very tough), or she'll laugh/scream as it crawled on her and we ended up taking it outside. The other day she brought me a dead BEE! I have no idea where she got that from.
- About the only thing that she is afraid of is sirens. Whenever she hears one she gets this crazy look on her face and runs to one of us. Sometimes she'll say, "Siwens, BE NICE!" but most of the time she just clings to us and says that she's scared. When the fire detector's battery started dying it beeped and that beeped freaked her out. She called it "beep beep" and would also tell it to "be nice!"