1. I'm tired.
2, What time is it? 4:00am? Okay. If I get him to sleep by 4:30 I can still get two more hours of sleep.
3. Things I need to even consider having a third child: More money, more time, bigger house, a wet nurse, personal chef, and a night nurse.
4. I am so grateful that Ruby is a good sleeper. I need to tell her this.
5. It's 4:30. Okay. If I can get him to sleep by 5:00 I can get an hour and a half of sleep.
6. My friends who told me that having two kids isn't twice as hard were totally lying.
7. So. Tired.
8. Is that how you spell tired?
9. Work is going to suck tomorrow.
10. *Random thought of the week* It would be really cool if Lego made models of the Duomo in Florence. I would totally buy that.
Thankfully we've been able to get more rest this weekend, which is good because I was a little loopy and forgetful all last week (I don't function well on less than six hours a night). I'm feeling better today but Heath is not. Doodle is still not 100% so I am hoping that we aren't up a lot in the upcoming nights, thus repeating the exhausting cycle of last week.