Being nicer to myself. Stop eating crap, exercise, drink more water, eat more fruits and veggies, etc.
Well, that didn't work out so well for me did it? In fact, I gained more weight this year than I'm willing to admit, putting me at my heaviest weight ever. So, so grateful for being tall and hiding it fairly well.
Simplify, simplify, simplify. Maybe I'll hire someone to mow our lawn this year, just to take something off of my plate.
Yep. Didn't hire anyone to mow my lawn and I barely mowed it myself, leading to one helluva jungle in the backyard. It took me quite a few hours to get the back all cleared out towards the end of October. (in case you're wondering, H is allergic to grass and to the outdoors in general)
Spending more time with friends. Girls night has gone the way of the dodo and I miss seeing my friends!
Didn't do to well on this either. I did get to welcome my friend Kelly back from NC though.
Push myself when it comes to my art...even though I want to climb into a hole and never come out. I plan on entering a few art fairs and shows.
I did fairly well with this actually. Win! I entered and was accepted into the Woodland Art Fair. It was awesome. I was also accepted for exhibition in a show in Maryland.
Vacation. No definite plans yet but we are looking at spending some time in Dublin in late 2013. Heath and I haven't been on vacation since Florida right before Ruby was born so I think it's about time.
Sadly, a couple unplanned surgeries for H and unexpected kitty cancer (which resulted in the loss of our Oliver) meant that our savings account was basically demolished, canceling any plans we had for a trip to Europe. We did however, get to go to Asheville, N.C. in October while Ruby played with her grandparents in Pigeon Forge. It was a great trip and I'm so grateful for the chance to get away.
So what's up 2014?
Get my shit together. Hmmm. I guess I should break that down a bit, that is pretty vast…
Eat out less. There are way too many fast food bags clogging up my garbage can right now. It's really quite embarrasing. I care mainly because of the bad eating habits that Ruby is surely developing right now. I should probably cut myself some slack considering that December was Plague Month but still.
Gym. More. ASAP. I just renewed our membership so there are no excuses…other than the usual. I especially would like to do more yoga and swimming.
More Art. After Woodland time in the studio pretty much flatlined. I've been in the studio a couple of times but very, very sporadically and not enough time to really get the chance to play and come up with new things. Probably the biggest thing I'd like to do this year is make myself a studio at home.
On the advise of another artist I plan on applying to the Crafty Supermarket in Cincinnati. I'm also one of 9 artists participating in our local CSA(rt) program. Both of those events are in April so the year is wide open after that.
FInd Balance. I started typing something but ended up with an entire posts worth. So more on that soon!
Enjoy Ruby more. It's not that I don't enjoy her but I could definitely spend more and better quality time with her. Lately I feel like all she does is whine, whine, WHINE and it drives me crazy. Plus, she isn't a great listener. Therefore I feel like most of the time I am with her I am incredibly frustrated with her and just generally annoyed. One particularly bad night H made a comment to the effect of "I can't believe you are so patient with her" I've never considered myself to be very patient with her so that kind of blew me away. Honestly, I think I'd gotten to the point past anger to where you have no other choice to be patient otherwise things would just go down hill super, super fast. Anyway. I just need to focus on the fact that she is still super funny and adorable and try to work past those other times in a more productive way.
Less social media. I'm kind of embarrassed to admit this but I have felt a lot envy when perusing Facebook and Instagram lately. People on sweet vacations in warm places, eating at trendy restaurants, or just people doing things without having to worry about getting a babysitter. I don't usually feel like this and I don't like the fact that I was so I have cut back a lot on Facebook and haven't been on Instagram in about a month. I still read blogs and I would still like to continue writing on this one but I need to take a step back for a while.
I'd ask what your plans were for the new year but chances are I've already read your blog posts :)