This morning we decided to cook up some scrambled eggs. This is just as much of a documentation of how adorable Ruby is and the fact that we actually cooked something! When I'm in the mood to let Ruby help (a.k.a. when I actually cook and I am not just throwing something quick together after coming home from work and I am exhausted) I let her. She was very excited about the eggs and broke one while I had my back turned for .003 seconds. I gave her a whisk to stir the eggs and then Heath stepped in to show her how it's done. Well, I should say that he tried to show her how it's done. She wouldn't have any of that and insisted on doing it herself. Then it was time to add the cheese. She's very good at adding way too much of something. I'd love to say that the eggs tasted good but they didn't. Maybe too much cheese too early? Meh. I ended up picking out the mushrooms and then eating them with some avocado. Eh. Can't win them all.
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January 2016