Notice I said, "in my head" because, let me tell you, that decorating is neither my strong-suit or, apparently, a priority. We've been in our house for 10 years as of July and, Pergo flooring and different furniture aside, it has barely changed. Some of it is because H and I don't always agree on furniture/style/art and because of that we just don't do anything, a lot of it is lack of time, and most of it probably a nice big case of I Just Don't Care That Much. Obviously, if I really cared I would make it a priority, right?
So because I need something to blog about it and I find it a little amusing, here's a mini house tour, AS IS as of this morning. Sometimes it's better, sometimes it's worse. Our first stop: The kitchen!
2. Dishwasher and countertop full of clean dishes.
3. More dishes that still need to be washed.
4. Blender on the stove because that was the only empty space when I went to make smoothies this morning.
5. Cool stoplight sign that I've been meaning to hang for months.
6. New table that I am totally in love with. In my head I'd have a cool table runner and my collection of vintage Fiesta mixing bowls (which are currently hidden in away) running down the middle. The chairs are like 20 years old and have been glued and re-glued several times.
7. Target bag, water bottle, journal, and other junk that is inevitably dumped upon the table every day. Sometimes it's cleared away for dinner. Sometimes it's not.
On to the living room!
2. this vintage green chair that I found at Peddler's Mall. Oliver clawed the crap out of the top of it and while I was angry at the time, now whenever I rub my fingers across the top of it I think of him.
3. Art! On the wall! This was all hung before Ruby was born and really needs to be moved around now that the furniture situation has changed. (we used to have a sectional that went all along the wall where the green chair is) There is more art and photos of Ruby (birth to 2 years) that needs to be hung as well. I'll take the fact that those are at least printed and in a frame as a victory in itself.
4. Our pretty, amazing, gorgeous, new blue couch. Covered in afghans and throw pillows. All the better to protect it from claws, toddlers, and the occasionally klutzy adult. A little anal, I know, but dangit! I want the couch to look good for a least a couple of months! (see a better pic of the sofa here)
5. Vintage, claw-footed, spinny table with leather top, rescued from Peddler's mall for $100 and lovingly restored by someone who knew what they're doing, now covered with daycare reports cards, junk mail, a pair of jeans, books, cups, game controllers, and more.
6. Play kitchen that I'd love to get the heck outta the living room because a certain little girl never touches the thing unless she has a friend over (which rarely happens). Unfortunately the changing table in her room is taking up the space where I'd like it to go. For now it will just be a great place for me to put my wallet and keys.
7. Donations for the Goodwill and a plethora of shoes. You'd think that we didn't have a shoe organizer in the closet.
8. Just a hint of the cord-gasm that is going on behind me from the PS3, Xbox, TV, and the DVR. A First World Problem, for sure.
Perhaps I should be embarrassed? Meh. Whatever, lol.