Yesterday, as I picked up Jasper he settled into the most perfect snuggle position on my shoulder. I realized, as I sat there rubbing his back and smelling his little head, that I don't snuggle him very often. This isn't intentional. Usually I am feeding him or I'm feeding him again or changing him or trying to get him to calm down. If it's not him I'm trying not to completely ignore Ruby, make at least some physical form of contact with Heath, or keep the house from entering Level Chaos in the cleanliness department. Last, but not least, I am trying to take just a little bit of time to myself. Snuggling takes a back burner.
In perhaps a more inspirational post I'd end by saying something along the lines of make sure that you are taking the time to snuggle because they grow up so fast, dont'cha know. But you probably already know that and feel guilty that you don't do it more. No guilt trips here! Just do the best you can!